Benefit from the advantages of optimized and efficient package logistics. With SIPal, you always know where your packages are.
package-Searches and training trips are now a thing of the past, increasing the efficiency of your forklift traffic by up to 20%.
Proven system, versatile in use
SIPal, the intralogistics solution developed by DataPolarna, has long proven itself as a central logistics tool for the Nordic timber industry. RFID transponders, which can be freely assigned to storage locations, and antennas mounted on the forklifts constantly register the positions of your packages. This allows a multitude of optimizations and makes the tasks ahead easier for the forklift drivers.
Today, SIPal is installed at more than 80 locations and customers and users of the software are enthusiastic.

A board computer, installed in the forklift cabs, provides the forklift drivers with all the necessary information. package Picking up and depositing is done with "Enter".

All packages at a glance. The system provides suggestions for filing packages and problems with old packages and inventory checks are a thing of the past

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International Wood Fair Klagenfurt
TimberTec presents new products relating to SIPal package logistics, EUDR and E-Invoice at the International Timber Fair in Klagenfurt.

"A world without (SIPal)? Would be unimaginable today."
TimberTec's logistics program SIPal is used by companies in Scandinavia and beyond to reduce costs and improve package management. Application examples such as JGA in Sweden show how the software reduces the logistical effort in sawmills and inspires employees.